BoxModel - CSS Box Model Editor

BoxModel is a jQuery plugin which helps it's users to create a compact form input for editing box model css in html forms. It can submit several details such as separate values and combined, optimized units ready for use inside CSS blocks. It supports mouse wheel input value increasing/decreasing, up/down keys, locking mechanism for editing the property for all directions, multiple styles, multiple unit support, label translations and more.


The main files of this plugin are boxmodel.min.js and boxmodel.min.css, which are generated by compiling and minifying boxmodel.js and boxmodel.scss. The plugin relies on jQuery library, also needs to be included before including boxmodel.min.js.

The example configuration which can be found in the base index file is:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"><\/script>')</script>
<!-- .boxmodel includes -->
<link href="build/css/boxmodel.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="build/js/boxmodel.min.js"></script>
<!-- .end boxmodel includes -->

Then, to attach a boxmodel object to a container you desire, use this:


You can customize your plugin with options you provide to the initializing function,

$(".boxmodel").boxModel({inputName: "my-box-model", enableDimensions: false});

or the element's data-plugin-options property.

<div class="boxmodel" data-plugin-options='{"inputName":"my-box-model","enableDimensions":false}'></div>

Once initalized, you can access the boxmodel object like this:

var boxmodel = $(".boxmodel:eq(3)").data("boxmodel");
boxmodel.options.enableDimensions = false;


Once you've got the boxmodel instance object, you can access these properties:

  • element [DOM node object]: The HTML dom node which the instance is created on.
  • $element [jQuery Object]: jQuery object of the dom node. Equals to $(boxmodel.element)

For example,

    var boxmodel = $("#elem1").boxModel();
    // boxmodel.element will be equal to document.getElementById("elem1") or $("#elem1").get(0);
    // boxmodel.$element will be equal to $("#elem1");
  • options [JS Object]: The instance's configuration object. Consists of merging default values and user defined settings. The details of it is explained in the Options section.
  • inputs [jQuery Object]: This refers to the visible inputs in the boxmodel container.


These are the options you can set with the javascript plugin initialization object, or with the data-plugin-options html attribute on the input element, or within the events by directly modifying the boxmodel.options object.

  • inputName [string]: The input name which will be prepended to the inputs. For example, if this property is set to my_box, the left margin input will be posted as my_box_left_margin. Can also be set with data-name html attribute on the container element. No default.

  • autoText [string]: the string that'll be displayed on empty inputs, the values of it will be posted as "auto". Default: "-"

  • enabledUnits [array]: allowed units definition. Default: [ "px", "pt", "em", "rem", "vh", "vw", "vmin", "vmax", "%", "cm" and "mm" ]

  • defaultUnit [string]: unit to use when no enabled unit matches the value given. Default: px

  • usePrecision [boolean]: If you want the up/down buttons (and mousewheel) to increase using the minimum precision in the input, this needs to be true. Else, the inputs will increase/decrease by 1 unit. Default: true

  • enableMargin [boolean]: if you want to disable margin box and inputs, set this to false. Default: true

  • enablePadding [boolean]: if you want to disable padding box and inputs, set this to false. Default: true

  • enableBorder [boolean]: if you want to disable border box and inputs, set this to false. Default: true

  • enableDimensions [boolean]: if you want to disable width and height inputs, set this to false. Default: true

  • marginLabel [string]: the label which is displayed inside the margin box. Default: Margin

  • paddingLabel [string]: the label which is displayed inside the padding box. Default: Padding

  • borderLabel [string]: the label which is displayed inside the border box. Default: Border

  • dimensionLabel [string]: the text that'll be displayed in between the width and height inputs if enableDimensions is set to true. Default: x

  • onInit [function]: the method that runs on successful plugin initialization. Default: function() { }

  • values [object]: the initial values for the plugin. Default: null

    example structure:

      var initialValues = { margin: "0px 1px 0px 1px", padding: "0px 0px 0px 2px", border: "0 .2em .3em 0"};
      // or
      var initialValues = { margin: { top: "2px", left: "3px", right: "5px"} };
      $("div.boxmodel").boxModel({values: initialValues});


  • boxmodel:change [event handler]: event which is triggered after changing any input on the boxmodel. Attached to the container element itself.


          $(".boxmodel").on("boxmodel:change", function(element, value, all){
          // parameters : element -> the input which triggered the change event
          //              value   -> the input value
          //              all     -> all input values on the plugin as an object

  • boxmodel:blur [event handler]: event which is triggered after when an input loses focus on the container. Attached to the container element itself.


          $(".boxmodel").on("boxmodel:blur", function(element, value, all){
          // parameters : element -> the input which triggered the change event
          //              value   -> the input value
          //              all     -> all input values on the plugin as an object

  • boxmodel:keyup [event handler]: event which is triggered after when an input had a key pressed on the container. Attached to the container element itself.


          $(".boxmodel").on("boxmodel:keyup", function(event, element, value, all){
          // parameters :    event    -> the DOM event
          //                 element  -> the input which triggered the change event
          //                 value    -> the input value
          //                 all      -> all input values on the plugin as an object

  • boxmodel:error [event handler]: event which is triggered after when an user input triggered a validation error on the container. Attached to the container element itself.


          $(".boxmodel").on("boxmodel:error", function(element, value, all){
          // parameters : element -> the input which triggered the change event
          //              value   -> the input value
          //              all     -> all input values on the plugin as an object


  • getAllProperties [function]: Gets all the inputs as an object.

  • setValue [function]: Sets a specific value, returns false if validation fails, does nothing and returns true when the related input doesn't exist.


      var boxmodel = $("#boxmodel").boxModel();
      //  parameters:
      //    string direction (top, left, bottom, right)
      //    string scope (margin, padding, border)
      //    string value
      boxmodel.setValue(null, "width", "250px");

  • setBorders [function]: Sets all borders to a specific value, returns false if validation fails, does nothing and returns true when enableBorder is set to false.
      var boxmodel = $("#boxmodel").boxModel();
      //  parameters:
      //    string value

  • setPaddings [function]: Sets all paddings to a specific value, returns false if validation fails, does nothing and returns true when enablePadding is set to false.
      var boxmodel = $("#boxmodel").boxModel();
      //  parameters:
      //    string value

  • setMargins [function]: Sets all borders to a specific value, returns false if validation fails, does nothing and returns true when enableMargin is set to false.
      var boxmodel = $("#boxmodel").boxModel();
      //  parameters:
      //    string value

  • setWidth [function]: Sets the width input, returns false if validation fails, does nothing and returns true whenenableDimensionsis set tofalse`.
      var boxmodel = $("#boxmodel").boxModel();
      //  parameters:
      //    string value

  • setHeight [function]: Sets the height input, returns false if validation fails, does nothing and returns true when enableDimensions is set to false.
      var boxmodel = $("#boxmodel").boxModel();
      //  parameters:
      //    string value


Default Box Model Input

Add data-name property to the container div, and call .boxModel() on the container.



      <div id="boxmodel-ex-1" data-name="boxmodel-ex-1"></div>


      <script type="text/javascript">

Setting Initial Values

Initialization Object

Showing how to implement initialization with object.



      <div id="boxmodel-ex-1-1" data-name="boxmodel-ex-1-1"></div>


      <script type="text/javascript">
              values: {
                  margins: {
                      top: "1px",
                      left: "2px",
                      right: "3px",
                      bottom: "4px"
                  paddings: {
                      top: "1px",
                      left: "2px",
                      right: "3px",
                      bottom: "4px"
                  borders: {
                      top: "1px",
                      left: "2px",
                      right: "3px",
                      bottom: "4px"
                  dimensions: {
                      width: "150px",
                      height: "250px"

Incomplete Object Values

Showing how to implement initialization using an object with undefined values.



    <div id="boxmodel-ex-1-4" data-name="boxmodel-ex-1-4"></div>


    <script type="text/javascript">
        values: {
          margins: {
            top: "1px",
            left: "2px"
          paddings: {
            bottom: "4px"
          borders: {
            left: "2px",
            bottom: "4px"
          dimensions: {
            height: "250px"

Invalid Object Values

Showing how to implement initialization using an object with invalid values.



    <div id="boxmodel-ex-1-5" data-name="boxmodel-ex-1-5"></div>


    <script type="text/javascript">
        values: {
          margins: {
            top: "1px",
            left: "2py"
          paddings: {
            top: "1px",
            bottom: "4"
          borders: {
            leftx: "2px",
            bottom: "4px"
          dimensions: {
            height: "250$",
            width: "100%"

Object With CSS Strings

Showing how to implement initialization with object.



      <div id="boxmodel-ex-1-2" data-name="boxmodel-ex-1-2"></div>


      <script type="text/javascript">
              values: {
                  margins: "1px 2px 3px 4px",
                  paddings: "1px 2px 3px 4px",
                  borders: "1px 2px 3px 4px",
                  dimensions: {
                      width: "150px",
                      height: "250px"

Optimized CSS Strings

Showing how to implement initialization with shortened css strings.



    <div id="boxmodel-ex-1-3" data-name="boxmodel-ex-1-3"></div>


    <script type="text/javascript">
        values: {
          margins: "5px auto",
          paddings: "1px 2px 1px",
          borders: "1px auto 3px",
          dimensions: {
            width: "150px"

Invalid CSS Strings

Showing how to implement initialization with shortened css strings.



    <div id="boxmodel-ex-1-6" data-name="boxmodel-ex-1-6"></div>


    <script type="text/javascript">
        values: {
          margins: "john doe 25ipx",
          paddings: "1em 2rem 3pem",
          borders: "1px oto 3px",
          dimensions: {
            width: "720p"


Chrome Skin

Just add boxmodel-chrome-skin to the container object and the skin will be applied.



      <div id="boxmodel-ex-2" data-name="boxmodel-ex-2" class="boxmodel-chrome-skin"></div>


      <script type="text/javascript">

FireBug Skin

Just add boxmodel-firebug-skin to the container object and the skin will be applied.



      <div id="boxmodel-ex-3" data-name="boxmodel-ex-3" class="boxmodel-firebug-skin"></div>


      <script type="text/javascript">

IE Skin

Just add boxmodel-ie-skin to the container object and the skin will be applied.



      <div id="boxmodel-ex-4" data-name="boxmodel-ex-4" class="boxmodel-ie-skin"></div>


      <script type="text/javascript">

Rounded Skin

Just add boxmodel-rounded-skin to the container object and the skin will be applied.



      <div id="boxmodel-ex-5" data-name="boxmodel-ex-5" class="boxmodel-rounded-skin"></div>


      <script type="text/javascript">

Dark Skin

Just add boxmodel-dark-skin to the container object and the skin will be applied.



      <div id="boxmodel-ex-6" data-name="boxmodel-ex-6" class="boxmodel-dark-skin"></div>


      <script type="text/javascript">

Neo Skin

Just add boxmodel-neo-skin to the container object and the skin will be applied.



      <div id="boxmodel-ex-7" data-name="boxmodel-ex-7" class="boxmodel-neo-skin"></div>


      <script type="text/javascript">

Perspective Skin

Just add boxmodel-perspective-skin to the container object and the skin will be applied.



      <div id="boxmodel-ex-8" data-name="boxmodel-ex-8" class="boxmodel-perspective-skin"></div>


      <script type="text/javascript">

Metal Skin

Just add boxmodel-metal-skin to the container object and the skin will be applied.



      <div id="boxmodel-ex-9" data-name="boxmodel-ex-9" class="boxmodel-metal-skin"></div>


      <script type="text/javascript">

Sent Values

This is a form submitting test to see which variables this plugin is posting to you.



Testing with POST data sent to ""


    <form onsubmit="call_boxmodel_mock(this); return false;">
        <div class="well well-sm" style="display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; padding: 20px;">
            <div id="boxmodel-ex-10" data-name="boxmodel-post"></div>
        <input type="submit">&nbsp;<div class="text-muted">Testing with `POST` data sent to ""</div>
        .json_output {display: flex; flex-direction: row;flex-wrap: wrap}
        .json_output div { display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-top: 1px;}
        .json_output div label { background: #eee; width: 200px; padding: 4px 10px; margin:0; }
        .json_output div p { background: #fff; width: 200px; padding: 4px 10px; margin: 0; }
    <div class="json_output"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function call_boxmodel_mock(form){
                url: "",
                data: $(form).serialize(),
                method: "POST",
                success: function(response){
                    for(i in response.form){


      <script type="text/javascript">

Change Log

  • v1.0.0

    • Released initial version.